PhD in Sustainable sinter-based multi-material additive manufacturing

Publiceringsdatum: 2024-07-03

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Om du tycker att det låter intressant att börja jobba hos Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB i rollen som doktorand så har de just nu en ledig tjänst som skulle kunna vara en perfekt match för dig! Bli en del av Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB genom att ansöka till jobbet som doktorand senast söndag den tjugofemte augusti 2024.


Join a team with a strong national and international network in the field of the rapidly expanding area of metal additive manufacturing, with unique opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge and make a difference for the future by contributing to the sustainable development involving a technology for manufacture of tomorrow!

The main competences at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science are found in the areas of: Human-Technology Interaction | Form and Function | Modeling and Simulation | Product Development | Materials | Production and in the interaction between these areas. The research focuses on the development of the industrial process, from need to finished product while creating added value. To combine skills throughout the whole chain distinguishes the department both nationally and internationally. Here we gather internationally prominent researchers, in dynamic and outstanding research environments, as well as in national and international research networks.

Equality between women and men is a prerequisite for Chalmers to be a good place to work and study, and for us to develop as a technical university. One of the department’s primary objectives is to contribute to Chalmers’ overall gender equality with particular emphasis on Chalmers’ fundamental values – quality, openness, inclusion, respect, diversity.

Information about the research

The national competence centre CAM2 (Centre for Additive Manufacturing – Metal) provides a unique possibility for academy-industry co-operation. The centre focuses on material development for powder-based metal AM technologies covering the whole AM chain, starting from the base powder through the dedicated AM process development, tailored post-AM treatment to the final component. The centre is hosted by the Division of Materials and Manufacture at Department of Industrial and Materials Science. The division addresses addressing core research questions related to powder-based metal additive manufacturing, powder technology, surface engineering, 2D-materials like graphene, surface coatings, nanomaterials, metal cutting and grinding.

As part of a number of research areas which have been launched and developed in different areas of powder-based metal AM, we take the next steps to further develop sustainable additive manufacturing of multi-material and high-resolution components for high performance applications. We aim to further develop high-resolution metal additive manufacturing of advanced components using recent advanced in litography-based metal manufacturing (LMM) as well as high-resolution multi-material (metal/metal and metal/ceramic) additive manufacturing using recent advanced in litography-based metal and ceramic manufacturing (LMM and LCM) in one machine. Research will cover numerous challenges of material and process development, including debinding and sintering of MM and MCM composites, using methodology and simulation approach developed in CAM2, differential sintering of multi-materials, etc.

Today, the AM group at the division is among the largest groups in AM across Europe with senior researchers, post-docs and PhD students. We are highly motivated research group working together and supporting each other to advance metal AM in critical areas for this technology advancement. Now we are seeking a PhD student with interest in new generation of sinter-based high-resolution multi-material additive manufacturing, covering variety of novel vat photopolymerization (stereolitography) technologies as e.g. litography-based metal and ceramic manufacturing.

Major responsibilities

The position is connected to the competence centre CAM2 | Centre for Additive Manufacture – Metal ( ) that is focused on material and process developåemnt for powder-based metal AM. CAM2 developed 15 novel AM materials for powder-based metal AM over last 5 years in close collaboration with >30 industrial partners. Your major responsibility as a PhD student is to perform your own research as part of the research group in CAM2 Centre at Chalmers. The position may also include teaching at undergraduate and master level as well as supervising master and/or bachelor students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration with academia and industry. The position offers great opportunities for future research duties within academia as well as industry or the public sector.

Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here.


To qualify for the position, you must have a MSc degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits by an internationally recognized university in materials science, mechanical engineering, materials mechanics, physics or production engineering. Experience and good knowledge of metal AM, ceramic AM, metallic and ceramic materials and inorganic chemistry are considered as advantages.

An interest and curiosity in the subject as well as good analytical skills are desirable. The applicant is expected to be proficient in both verbal and written English. Skills in CAD, metallurgy, ceramic materials, sinter-based  AM technologies, materials characterisation, microscopy, etc., are considered as merits. Applicants are expected to demonstrate good potential within research including project management and education.

The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not required and Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

Contract terms

Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of 4,5 years.

For more information about what we offer, the application procedure and more please visit Chalmers website. 

Application deadline: 2024-08-25

Om jobbet

Antal tjänster1
FöretagsnamnChalmers Tekniska Högskola AB
LönFast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Omfattning6 månader eller längre
Typ av anställningVanlig anställning


Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB söker en person till denna tjänst som doktorand med placerings i Göteborg. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som doktorand hos Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB skickar du in din ansökan senast 2024-08-25.

Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen

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