Publiceringsdatum: 2025-03-05
Vill du ta steget att arbeta som doktorand hos Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB? Nu har du möjligheten. Detta är ett jobb på heltid där Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB letar efter någon under 6 månader eller längre. Platsen där jobbet finns ledigt är i Göteborg.
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB har just nu en ledig tjänst som doktorand. Om du vill ta din karriär till nästa nivå, ta en titt på deras jobbannons och se om jobbet passar dig! Här är chansen att bli en del av Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB och jobba som doktorand! Ansök senast måndag den trettioförsta mars 2025.
Postdoc position for you who are interested in developing new theories that will contribute to saving our planet and limit the climate change.
Range anxiety and long charging times are challenges for electric vehicle (EV) users, but these challenges can be alleviated by user behavioral changes. Trip-planning tools and event-triggered automated charging behavior can be part of the solution to mitigate these challenges, and they rely on accurate predictions of the remaining possible driving range.
The project aims to analyze algorithms for predicting the remaining driving range of EVs and suggest ways to improve the current state of the art. The idea is to develop a model-based predictive strategy to estimate the remaining driving range. The prediction model should consider vehicle design parameters, driving style characteristics, road topology, and real-time traffic and weather conditions. It builds upon results from several projects performed by the research group to characterize the vehicle's motion resistance and user characteristics.
At the Mechatronics Group of the Department of Electrical Engineering, we are engaged in both fundamental and applied research related to intelligent transportation systems.
Our research in transportation concerns estimation, control and validation for systems guiding the vehicle, ie self-driving and active safety functionality, as well as propulsion, which mainly focus on electromobility related problems. Research problems range from aspects for an individual vehicle to traffic flow aspects such as collaborative algorithms for smoother traffic in intersections.
The appointment offers great opportunities to qualify for further research positions within academia or industry. A monthly salary is paid. There are no tuition fees for PhD studies at Chalmers, so the postdoc associate can take classes. The postdoctor's major responsibilities are to elaborate new methods, partly together other researchers and industry partners, especial within the companies within the Swedish Electromobility Center (SEC) and publish and present them, and be part of proposal writing.
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years.
Chalmers provides a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.
Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
The application should be written in English and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.
CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname) including:
Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name)
1-3 pages where you:
Other documents:
Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered.
Application deadline: 2025-03-31
For questions, please contact:
Professor Jonas Sjöberg, Division of Systems and Control,
Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society.
Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then: Avancez – forward.
Antal tjänster | 1 |
Arbetstid | Heltid |
Företagsnamn | Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB |
Lön | Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön |
Omfattning | 6 månader eller längre |
Organisationsnummer | 5564795598 |
Typ av anställning | Vanlig anställning |
Yrke | Doktorand |
Yrkesområde | Pedagogik |
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB söker en person till denna tjänst som doktorand med placerings i Göteborg. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som doktorand hos Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB skickar du in din ansökan senast 2025-03-31.
Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB söker en person till tjänsten som doktorand i Göteborg.
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