Ph.D. students in Hydrometallurgi

Publiceringsdatum: 2024-06-27

Positionen som doktorand hos Luleå Tekniska Universitet är öppen och väntar på en lämplig kandidat - kan det vara du? Luleå Tekniska Universitet behöver någon som vill arbeta heltid. Om du är tillgänglig för 6 månader eller längre, ta en titt på denna jobbannons. Att bo i närheten av Luleå kan vara en fördel för denna position, så om du redan bor i området bör du överväga att söka jobbet.

Luleå Tekniska Universitet söker för närvarande efter ambitiösa individer som vill utvecklas i rollen som doktorand. Kolla in deras två lediga tjänster och se om du har vad som krävs för att bli en del av deras team. Här är chansen att bli en del av Luleå Tekniska Universitet och jobba som doktorand! Ansök senast onsdag den trettioförsta juli 2024.


Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.9 billion per year. We currently have 1,840 employees and 17,670 students.

In the coming years, multi-billion investments will be made in large projects in Northern Sweden to create a fossil-free society both nationally and globally. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these cutting-edge research projects and in the societal transformation that they entail. We offer a broad range of courses and study programmes to match the skills in demand. We hope that you will help us to build the sustainable companies and societies of the future.In Process Metallurgy, we deal with the efficient extraction of metals via sustainable means from primary and secondary resources using the pyro and/or hydro metallurgical means. Currently, we are looking for two Ph.D. students in Sustainable Metal Recovery—Hydrometallurgy & Circular Economy under the subject to perform the research works related to the hydrometallurgical recycling of critical metals for low-carbon resource circulation.

As a Ph.D. student, you will have the possibility to be a part of a dynamic and international team and perform research in close contact with senior researchers in group and with industries.

Subject description

Process Metallurgy deals with the sustainable extraction of metals from primary and secondary raw materials using both pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes.

Project description

As a Ph.D. student you will use advanced hydrometallurgical techniques for the development of new recycling routes for an efficient and low-carbon recovery, mainly focused on rare earths, lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and phosphorus extraction from end-of-life waste materials. In particular, certainly not limited to the source material (i) Low-carbon circular economy assessment of rare earth elements from permanent magnets, and (ii) Close loop recycling of electrode elements from spent rechargeable (Li-ion)batteries, assigning the research tasks to Ph.D. student 1 and student 2, respectively.

Notably, the research conducted by you will aiming not only to establish the process parameters, reveal the reaction kinetics and mechanism, and high-purity product quality but the analysis of the life cycle, determination of circular economy contribution and sustainability index will also remain integrated with the thesis work. Based on the fundamental research outputs and insights, you will further extent the research to prediction models and different product development, which can be tested on pilot scale as well.

This recruitment is connected to the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE, WISE, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at Sweden’s foremost universities over the course of 10 years. The vision is a sustainable future through materials science. Read more: (WISE, All early-stage researchers recruited into the WISE program will be a part of the WISE Graduate School (, an ambitious nationwide program of seminars, courses, research visits, and other activities to promote a strong multi-disciplinary and international network between PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and industry.


As a Ph.D. student you are expected to perform both experimental and theoretical work within your research studies as well as communicate your results at national and international conferences and in scientific journals. Most of your working time will be devoted to your own research studies. Project planning and independently developing the research topic are also an important part of your work. In addition, you can have the opportunity to participate in teaching and other activities, as required.


We are looking for two students who are highly motivated for research in the direction of sustainable matrices in metallurgy, in particular, using the aqueous (chemical and microbial) metallurgy. You must have a Master’s degree in chemistry, chemical/metallurgical engineering, materials science or a related subject. Your duties require excellent knowledge in at least one of the subjects among inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, solution chemistry, electrochemistry, organometallic chemistry, surface chemistry, microbial growth mechanism, and metal-to-microbe interactions. Experience in hydrometallurgical extraction of metals, minerals and material chemistry, metal recycling, handling of analytical instruments like ICP, XRD, SEM, XRF, TG-DTA, etc., and industrial exposure is of advantage. Experience with machine learning and statistics is an additional advantage.

For further information about a specific subject see :General syllabus for the Board of the faculty of science and technology

Further information

Employment as a PhD student is limited to 4 years, teaching and other department duties may be added with max 20%. You will be placed in Luleå. Start: upon agreement.

For further information about the position, please contact Associate Professor Sadia Ilyas, (+46)920-49 3905,

Union representatives:

SACO-S Kjell Johansson (+46)920-49 1529  

OFR-S Lars Frisk, (+46)920-49 1792

In case of different interpretations of the English and Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.


We prefer that you apply for this position by clicking on the apply button below. The application should include a CV, personal letter and copies of verified diplomas from high school and universities. Mark your application with the reference number below. Your application, including diplomas, must be written in English or Swedish.

Closing date for applications: 31 July 2024

Reference number: 2118-2024

Om jobbet

Antal tjänster2
FöretagsnamnLuleå Tekniska Universitet
LönFast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Omfattning6 månader eller längre
Typ av anställningVanlig anställning


Luleå Tekniska Universitet söker två personer till denna tjänst som doktorand med placerings i Luleå. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som doktorand hos Luleå Tekniska Universitet skickar du in din ansökan senast 2024-07-31.

Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen

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