Doctoral student in Computer Science (Machine Learning)

Publiceringsdatum: 2025-03-05

Vill du ta steget att arbeta som doktorand hos Örebro Universitet? Nu har du möjligheten. Örebro Universitet behöver någon som vill arbeta heltid. Om du är tillgänglig för 6 månader eller längre, ta en titt på denna jobbannons. För detta jobb är Örebro den angivna tjänsteorten.

Företaget Örebro Universitet erbjuder just nu spännande karriärmöjligheter. Om du vill jobba som doktorand har de nu ett ledigt jobb - kolla in annonsen för att se om du har rätt erfarenhet. Söker du efter en spännande karriär som doktorand? Sök jobbet hos Örebro Universitet senast måndag den fjortonde april 2025 och bli en del av deras team.


The School of Science and Technology at Örebro University is looking for a doctoral student in machine learning for the doctoral program in computer science, concluding with a doctoral degree (PhD. in Computer Science).

Start date: Summer / Fall 2025.

Project description

The research topic for this position is machine learning applied to one of the following focus areas of the Adaptive and Interpretable Learning Systems research group where the position is hosted:

  • Reinforcement learning, focusing on task priorities, composability of tasks and policies, constraints, and transfer.
  • Machine learning for counterfactual prediction and treatment effect estimation with large-scale observational data and deep learning models, focusing on countering selection bias, causal learning, identification of causal and irrelevant factors, and disentanglement of underlying variables.
  • End-to-end learning for inverse optimization, focusing on identifying underlying cost models, learning from noisy observations, non-stationary and multi-modal data, differentiating through black-box optimizers and differentiable optimization, and representing uncertainty.
  • Deep generative modeling of bio-medical data, focusing on identification of unknown chemicals / environmental pollutants from mass spectrograph data, predicting toxicity of compounds, in-silico models for replacing the need of animal studies, and representation learning for transfer between in-vivo and in-silico models.
  • Spatio-temporal modeling of sensor and robotic data with probabilistic models, focusing on Gaussian Process Implicit Surface models, tomography data, sparse models, and model constraints.

Applicants need to indicate their topic preferences in the application.

The position will be funded by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), which is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems.

The vision of WASP is excellent research and competence in artificial intelligence autonomous systems and software for the benefit of Swedish society and industry.

Read more:

Supervision: The doctoral student will be supervised by J. A. Stork (principal supervisor).

The program, doctoral studentship, entry requirements and selection

To see the job advertisement in its entirety visit:


For more information about the program and the doctoral studentship, contact J. A. Stork ( or Martin Magnusson (

At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.

Örebro University actively pursues equal opportunities and gender equality as well as a work environment characterized by openness, trust and respect. We value the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.

Örebro University is internationally known for its expertise within artificial intelligence and robotics and is involved in several high-profile initiatives related to AI (see Örebro University is highly active in the relevant European forums and platforms, and several EU-funded research projects. We are a modern, broad-based, and growing university. We endeavor to be an attractive place of work where members of staff feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. Currently, 1,600 employees and 17,000 students come to work and study at Örebro University.

Application to the program and for the doctoral studentship

The application is made online. Click the button “Apply” to begin the application procedure.

For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:

  • Cover letter describing your research interests and how your background fits the position, including preference for the focus areas (max 1 page)
  • CV with a relevant description of your overall qualifications and experience
  • Proof that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (e.g. copies of the original certificate and official transcript for bachelor's and master's degree)
  • Independent project (degree project)
  • Other relevant documents, course and degree certificates verifying eligibility

As a main rule, application documents and attachments are to be written in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, or English. Certificates and documents in other languages verifying your qualifications and experience must be translated by an authorized translator to Swedish or English. A list of authorized translators can be obtained from Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency),

When you apply for admission, you automatically also apply for a doctoral studentship.

More information for applicants will be found on our career site:

The application deadline is 2025-04-14. We look forward to receiving your application!

As we have already made our choices in terms of external collaboration partners and marketing efforts for this recruitment process, we decline any contact with recruitment agencies and advertisers.

As directed by the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.

Om jobbet

Antal tjänster1
FöretagsnamnÖrebro Universitet
LönFast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Omfattning6 månader eller längre
Typ av anställningVanlig anställning


Örebro Universitet söker en person till denna tjänst som doktorand med placerings i Örebro. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som doktorand hos Örebro Universitet skickar du in din ansökan senast 2025-04-14.

Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen

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